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Cross Connection Apostolic Alliance Worldwide

Founders of C2A2W
His Holiness, The Most Reverend Lorenzo A. Moore - 'Mar Yoseph'
International First Lady, Prophetess Michelle D. Moore.

Apostle and Elect Lady Michelle Moore


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Mission Statement:
     Empower ministry gifts, disciples, and business leaders to effectively impact the world through the teaching and application of the Holy Scriptures and the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the means of education, preparation, covenant, and connection; all while maintaining Kingdom integrity, operating in excellence, maintaining individuality and divine authenticity with accountability.

  Connecting people to God and each other through covenant relationship for the manifestation of  Kingdom purpose.
Official Seal of C2A2W
     Founded in 2014 as King of Glory United Covenant Fellowship and expanded, rebranded, and relaunched in 2017 as the Cross Connection Apostolic Alliance Worldwide, Inc. (C2A2W) is an ecumenical covenant fellowship of churches as well as an apostolic network that provides spiritual accountability to churches, ministries, five-fold ministry gifts and businesses. We exist to facilitate and nurture meaningful relationships among affiliate ministers and churches, thus enabling them to be more effective in their calling for the purpose of Kingdom building. This reformation of pastors and ministry leaders, under the discipleship of our Senior Apostle & Bishop, Lorenzo A. Moore, are embracing the personal development of Christian leaders with a strong emphasis on family development and personal integrity. This reformation is committed to the principle of providing fatherly nurturing and care to its membership. Regional leaders, the entire apostolic team, as well as other designated nurturing ministries, will be available to the members of C2A2W for counsel, 
encouragement, wisdom, and fellowship. C2A2W desires to be a catalyst in bringing ministries and churches together around fellowship. The apostolic network serves as both a resource and a safe place for Christian leaders everywhere.

The Cross Connection Apostolic Alliance’s oversight structure includes regional apostles and/or bishops,and ministerial overseers appointed by the governing apostolic team in designated geographical regions. The Alliance is both fraternal and ecclesiastical in nature and function. The fraternal nature allows those ministry leaders that may be called to work in a historic denominational church to yet submit to the discipleship of C2A2W without the need of licensure, ordination, or the like. The ecclesiastical structure of C2A2W, meets the need for independently founded churches, church planters, para-ministry leaders(evangelists, chaplains, outreach, prison ministers, etc.) to have proper apostolic and ecclesiastical covering and connection. This is not just for accountability, but legality as well. C2A2W is designed tob ring supportive strength by offering practical and spiritual knowledge, prophetic direction, needed apostolic governmental structure to ensure a lasting foundation and most of all relational fellowship.Jesus sent his disciples out two by two, a paradigm that continued after his death, resurrection, and ascension. As a koinonia* of churches, ministries, and leaders of like passions, we challenge, share resources with, encourage, edify, and exhort one another so that we all are conduits of Christ’s Kingdom and purpose here in the earth. 


* Koinonia (Coin-o -nee-ah) is the Anglicization of a Greek word (κοινωνία) that means communion by intimate participation.

Connect With Us


Phone: (980) 277-03KG "0354"


King of Glory Breakthrough Temple (KOGBT)
-The Ascending Place-
1157 Saluda St. #104 | Rock Hill, SC 29730

2025 NEW Service Times:
Sundays: 11:00 AM (Sunday School) 12:00 Noon (Worship)
Wednesdays: 7:30 PM (Prayer & Bible Study)
Seal of C2A2W, Inc.
© 2023 by Cross Connection Apostolic Alliance
Powered by: C2A2W

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